The Evaluation Process for Purpose Driven Organisations

Our PDO Evaluation involves an independent assessment of every aspect of the Purpose Driven element of the organisation, both internally and externally.  This will include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Ensure that the organisation has a clearly defined Purpose that is supported by strong Values.
  • Review how the organisation’s Purpose & Values are communicated, both internally and externally.  This includes verbal, printed and electronic communication.
  • Examine how well the Purpose and Values are known, understood and implemented at all levels in the organisation.
  • Understand the culture of the organisation and how well it fits with the Purpose and Values.
  • Ensure that leaders hold themselves and others accountable for living by their Purpose & Values.
  • Evaluate business critical processes and procedures are aligned with the Purpose and Values. For example the recruitment process should ensure that the people that are employed fit with the culture.


Request Further Information or Book a Free Discovery Meeting today:

Related Categories:

Business Purpose, Purpose & Values

Additional Resources:

Purpose and Values, Purpose Driven Organisation

